Starting a Business
If you're ready to start your own business, we can help. Through our internal expertise and our partnership with the Small Business Technology and Development Center (SBTDC) we can help to make your dream of owning your own business a reality, and successful from day one. Contact us today to get started! It's free!
Helpful Tips and Information
Visit www.michigan.gov/business – The One Stop Business Resource Center is designed to help you start and manage your Michigan business. You will find an array of resources and tools to help you start and operate a business in Michigan. From tips on writing a business plan to financing your business, our resource center has it all. Be sure to check out the “Try Business One Stop” feature where you can create scenarios for starting different types of businesses and learn the state requirements for getting started, including costs and time frames. No phone calls. No hassles. No commitment.
The Michigan Small Business Development Center provides a full range of services to growing businesses that includes not only strategic needs assessment (SNA) and market analysis but also ongoing strategy development, financial analysis and access to capital.
Contact Carl Bourdelais, Room 110, WCCT Alpena Community College, 989-619-1348.